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2024 Municipal Election

For Reeve and Divisions 1, 3 & 5

ELECTION DAY: November 13, 2024

NOMINATION DEADLINE: October 9, 2024 @ 4pm

General Election for the following seats:


Division 1 Councillor,

Division 3 Councillor,

Division 5 Councillor.


Call for Nominations - Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

Nomination Deadline Day - October 9th, 2024 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM 


Candidate Eligibility:

  • At least 18 years old on the day of election;

  • Canadian citizen at the time of submitting the nomination paper;

  • Is not disqualified pursuant to the LGEA or any other Act; AND

  • Resides in Saskatchewan; AND

  • Is eligible to vote in the Rural Municipality.


Nomination Forms: A completed nomination paper consists of both Form I and the Public Disclosure Statement.

Handbooks and Resources:

Consider Running for Municipal Council Handbook

Council Member Handbook


General Election Day - Wednesday, November 13th, 2024.

Election Voting Day is Wednesday, November 13, 2024. Eligible voters can vote at the Municipal Office, located at 1- 322 4th Street, Estevan, SK from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM.  


To learn more about voting, click here.


Advanced Voting General Election

Advanced voting occurs at the Municipal Office, located at 1- 322 4th Street, Estevan, SK.


Advanced voting days and times:


  • Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 - 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

  • Wednesday, October 30th, 2024 - 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM

  • Thursday, November 7th, 2024 - 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM 


The next regularly scheduled election is in November 2026 for Divisions 2, 4, & 6.


Voting Information

Voting Information ​



Advance polls and election day polls are held at the R.M. of Estevan No.5 Municipal Office at  1- 322 4th Street in Estevan, SK. All polling information is announced on the R.M. website, Facebook, and at the R.M. office.


Who Can Vote?

Please reference section 36 of The Local Government Election Act, 2015 when determining voter eligibility.


For The Local Government Election Act, 2015click here.


An eligible voter is entitled to vote only once for Reeve and only once for Division Councillor in the division he or she is entitled to vote in, notwithstanding they may meet more than one of the qualifications. 


Note: It is the voter’s responsibility to know which division they are eligible to vote in. You can find the information about the division you live in by looking at the bottom right corner of your R.M. property tax notice, or you can always call the office at 306-634-2222. Keep in mind, election officials can not provide that information during an election.


A person is qualified to be registered as a voter in a rural municipality if he or she on the day of the election:

  • is 18 years old;

  • is a Canadian citizen;

  • has not already voted in the election; and

  • immediately preceding the day of the election meets at least one of the following criteria:


Section 36 (1)(e) of The Local Government Elections Act, 2015

  • in the case of a rural municipality:
    (i) has resided in the rural municipality, or land now in the rural municipality, for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the day of the election;
    (i.1) is the registered owner of property in the rural municipality, or property now situated in the municipality
    (ii) is the assessed person with respect to property in the rural municipality, or property now situated in the municipality, pursuant to section 207 of The Municipalities Act;
    (iii) is the occupant of a trailer or mobile home in the municipality, or land now situated in the municipality, that is the object of a permit required pursuant to section 306 of The Municipalities Act;
    (iv) is the spouse of a person mentioned in sub-clause (ii) or (iii); or
    (v) is the chief executive officer of a duly incorporated co-operative, corporation or religious association that is assessed on the last revised assessment roll with respect to property in the rural municipality that is not exempt from taxation.


Valid Identification to Use At Polls

To vote you must provide valid identification with your photo, name and address. Bringing government-issued photo ID is your best option. Other options include:

  • A valid Saskatchewan Driver's License

  • A valid Saskatchewan ID card issued by SGI or any motor license issuer

  • Any other valid government-issued photo ID issued by a Canadian government whether federal, provincial or municipal, or an agency of that government, so long as it includes your name and address


Note: A Canadian passport is not an acceptable form of photo identification because it does not contain your address. However, a Canadian passport can be used as identification if paired with another document that has your name and address on it.


Non-Photo ID Options

If you don't have photo identification and are unable to obtain photo-ID before election day, you can present two other pieces of information, as long as both contain your name and at least one contains your address. Options include:

  • Valid ID cards or certificates issued by the Canadian or Saskatchewan government, a Saskatchewan municipality or school division, a Saskatchewan Indian band, the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan or an agency of one of these entities

  • Personal correspondence, benefit/contribution statements and tax/assessment notices issued by any of the above entities

  • Bank/credit union cards, credit cards and statements

  • Utility bills and statements issued within six months of the date of the election

  • Personalized attestation of residence, letter of stay or admission form issued by a seniors or student residence, long term care or shelter facility



A person without acceptable ID but who is accompanied by another voter who has acceptable ID and is entitled to vote at the same polling place can be vouched for by that individual using the form available at the polling station from an election official.

A voter with acceptable ID may only vouch for one other person, except for immediate family members living at the same address as the voucher.

A person who has been vouched for cannot vouch for another voter. Election officials, candidates and candidate's agents are prohibited from vouching.

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Contact Us


#1, 322-4th Street
Estevan, SK
S4A 0T8



(306) 634-2222



(306) 634-2223




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Website created by Impact Creative Digital Services

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